A poor excuse for a poet. Widely derided for use of obvious and poor imagery (see example), and for general all-round shitness.

(And she can't spell Vodafone).
Gillian Clarke can't be good. Listen to this poor excuse for poetry:

"The mouse curls in agony big as itself
and the star goes out in its eye."
by Andrey Biggins May 19, 2009
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A caring woman who will adopt children as her own and help them make their dinner. She will make sure that they get on stage on time-most of the time.
Person1: How are those poor theatre children not starving?
Person2: They have Mother Gillian of course!
by Musicaltheatre4444 January 3, 2014
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A naturally pretty girl who has suddenly started to wow thanks to a new taste in fashion/makeup. From the novel 'Valley of the Dolls'
"Wow, ever since Katie bought that new coat she's been such a Gillian Girl!"
by Mondays February 2, 2005
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To be loudly spit roasted by two dwarves in a tent, usually although not necessarily a tipi, while passers-by remain unaware of what is taking place.
I thought there were some strange heavy breathing noises coming from that tent this afternoon. Turns out that the woman we were talking to yesterday was having an absolutely epic dirty Gillian. Saw her this evening and she looked happy, but she said she couldn't eat or sit down. Now I understand why.
by Orypest April 10, 2020
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a woman with an immaculate hairline
has all of the bitches
has a big badonkadonk as well.

Gillian Elaina is a person who is very musically talented with the pickle instrument

skilled in the arts of poopy butt fart
Woah is that Gillian Elaina over there? I am swoon
by lmanberg July 13, 2023
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