The best Person ever. Hes a young rich nig, blacky chan, hates yellow niggas and is verrry sexxxxxy and so hot. Hes white and is incredibly cool. If you meet a gil marry him, preferably if your asian
I met a guy called Gil

Marry him cuz ur wasian

Ok i will

(Marries him and is happy for ever)
by Giltheg November 22, 2021
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gil is a very nice and sexy man everyone wants to fuck him, even guys want to fuck him right in the asshole. gil is a beautiful spanish guy that can speak very good spanish everyone wants to suck him off if someone wants to suck a beautiful guy with a big cock his number is 0492091699 he has a hugeeeeee cock
gil is a very nice and sexy man everyone wants to fuck him, even guys want to fuck him right in the asshole. gil is a beautiful spanish guy that can speak very good spanish everyone wants to suck him off if someone wants to suck a beautiful guy with a big cock his number is 0492091699 he has a hugeeeeee cock
by guy1020294836/9/9: November 22, 2021
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Gil is a big black beast with a cock of 4 feet long. He is super handsome, funny and is a legend among society.
P1: Damn! Look at him! I bet he has a big dong

P2: Must be a Gil!
by crunchynutbust February 12, 2020
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The future president of the US. Don't believe us? Watch the 2040 ballot for Mark Gilsenan, you'll see. Vote for him, but even more so, donate money! He needs all the cash flow he can get in 2040, so watch for him then!
Person 1- Who are you voting for?
Person 2- That shouldn't be a question, I'm voting Gils!
Person 1- Who?
Person 2- Oh! He's also called Mark Gilsenan...
Person 1- Oh yeah! I'm voting for him too. Who else would you vote for?!
by mintyfre$h May 15, 2018
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Has no hair
Look at this gil sheli, he has no hair. Yahef Barosh!
by Urel November 22, 2021
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I'm doing Gil in math.
Gil saved me from failing a test in physics.
by Gargamel48 November 21, 2021
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Something or someone that is extremely gaseous and fire. An exceptionally awesome object or person. Someone who is Gil Fizon will have a chill to pull ratio of 5:5
God dang Christian that no scope was Gil Fizon. I wish Michael could do something as fire as that.
by Chadsol October 22, 2020
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