Frost an alternative word for statements such as "getting high" "Trippin on Weed" "Tweekin" or in general a word you to describe the chemical after effect weed has on ones mind Weed = marijuana.

Frost cannot be used for other after effects outside of a drug related field such as drinking or any sort of natural high the word must be associated with a drug related high such as with Ecstasy, marijuana, Lsd or other illegal drugs
"HOLY SHIT MAN!!! john just knocked of 6 splifs that mother fuckers gatta be frost"

"Lol you pussy you had one dime bag and you got frost"

"look at all those weed pro's, They're always fucking frost someone should lock them up"
by The Devine light May 3, 2008
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Meaning to be mad happy.

Frost:i-verb, ii-noun , iii-conjunction
i: "hey man im gonna go FROST"
ii:yo frost!
iii: umm well , frost
"What the frost you sayin?!"
"Say frost!"
"Shut the frost up!"

Person 1:"Whatsup?"
Person 2:"Nun much, just frostin."
by QHUOEOEPNSZ April 14, 2007
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In the 1950's Frosted was also a slang word for Angry.
She was so Frosted when she realized her boyfriend had been cheating on her.
by Nessy-Noodle April 27, 2007
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When you kidnap a dude and put him in yo freezer
Tyrone: I was totally frosting dat guy!
AJ: Madddd!!!
by AJxUrban December 24, 2017
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An 5ft Albanian with a 6ft monster of a cock capable of stealing your female by just looking at her. Never far from his juulpod Froste has the power of finding W's in any part of his day.
"Hide your girl, you dont want her laying eyes on Froste"
"You know Froste, he just took my girl man"
"Froste? You mean Neil DeGrasse Tyson?"
by O_A July 25, 2019
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The act of stealing someones car when they have left the engine on to clear their frosted windows.
Yeah it's a shame, he was convicted of frosting
by Yourfmya February 17, 2011
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