An overly obsessive female. When referring to anime, one is usually obsessed with bishounens such as Inuyasha, Sasuke, or anyone from Saiyuki. The typical fangirl cry is, "SQUEE!!!". Fangirls are also equivalent of stalkers and many are shot on the spot when seen.
AAAAH!!! Inuyasha! SQUEEE!!!!!!!!! *glomps* I LUV INUYASHA an u all should tooo!! X3!!!!!!
by Shasi July 4, 2004
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A female fan of an actor and/or fictional character. Usually between the ages of 12-14. Is known to utter high-pitched sounds whenever the object of their obsession's name is mentioned. Claims that, "IM reelly gona marry him cuz we R ment 2 b!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!@#$347903458134!@!@!" Uses excessive amounts of punctuation. This condition is usually just a phase and doesn't generally last extremely long. However, in the more severe cases the fangirl can go on in her fangirlyness for years on end.
by Haley June 7, 2004
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The act of fanning ones hands rapidly near ones face in overwhelming excitement as a fangirl would when meeting her obsession.
I fangirled when I found myself standing next to Nick Lachey at Starbucks!
by Nick111 July 2, 2006
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N: A girl/woman obsessed with a band/book/actor/film/series, who blogs, reads, tweets and squeals about this obsession.

V: To scream in joy or anger about a book/band/series/film/actor.
"She's such a fangirl..." She murmured, as her friend squeal in the corner.
by Marshmellows23 August 19, 2014
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Someone who gets easily obsessed with things they view, read or are involved in. They belong to things called 'fandoms' and generally scream and cry over characters that may be fictional, or band members and actors, singers, authors or bands.
Person A: Wow, she's such a fangirl!
Person B: Yeah, she screamed in excitement and then burst into tears when their new book came out...
by Nameless Anonymous March 17, 2015
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A girl who is addicted too books and the characters.
They dedicate there life on "fangirling" about it.
Nghi & Mia are such fangirls!

I love to fangirl on tumblr!
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An Awesome Human Being Who Might Actually Have a Soul.

1. Casual Fangirl
A Girl who enjoyed the book/tv show/band/actor and knows much about the mentioned object. Normally spends about 4 hours a week about the obsession. Is a healthy fangirl who is save to approach.

2. Fangirl
Has begun reading fan fiction and visiting fan sites. Devotes more time to the object of their obsession (3 hours/day) May write/draw their own fan works. Now has gained possession of fan merchandise of their obsession. Is still safe to approach, cautious for words.

3. Ultimate Fangirl
Now devotes practically their whole life to dreaming/thinking/reading/watching/drawing anything related (even somewhat) of their obsession. May belong in a mental institute, but can possibly disguise themselves as a normal fangirl. Save to approach as an acquaintance, requires you to become a fangirl before they can associate themselves to you. Be very cautious, as they may kill if you insult their fandom or more specifically, ships/otps.
1. Oh, yeah, Sherlock is cool, and I mean, Benedict Cumberbatch is pretty hot....

2. Did you see the new season of Doctor Who? I really miss Matt Smith, he was so cute! Look! I have a bunch of things related to him! Isn't he adorable!!


Normal Person* They sound stupid together....
by CumberBitches January 25, 2015
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