anything, anything that was done poorly
that test sucked, i was a failure
that guy just cut me off, what a failure
by sacamano October 31, 2003
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The ability not to fail.
People are jealous of Thomas & Krisa's non failurism.
by BubbleBoi December 21, 2010
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The word Failure originated from a regional dialect found only in upstate New York. Although there is some contoversy over the specific meaning of the word, simply put, it means Barbara Streisand.
"I saw Failure while i was walking down the street, the bitch is back!"
by Luke Neher April 23, 2004
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Graduates of the University of Pittsburgh.
"Dude, that group of guys went to Pitt. What a bunch of failures."

by Adam & James April 11, 2006
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synonomous for cocaine, or the usage of cocaine.
"i achieved failure last night."
"you guys wanna fail?"
"i haven't failed in a few minutes. can we bump up again? please?!"
"so much failure."
by tod June 15, 2003
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1. One who can't link properly; Sega Slayer.

2. One who hates Sega; aka an EA Buttplug.
wordSEGAword OLOL!O!L!L1

by MMBKG September 8, 2003
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