The one and only man to help your growing depression and family problems. Yes, Dr. Phil is here to save you some find him cute or hot. Some see him as a man of culture. Either way, Dr. Phil is a messiah
Friend 1: Have you seen Dr. Phil yet? He's my man of culture!

Friend 2: Yeah I love his show!
by Xx.Apple_Sauce.xX October 23, 2019
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The upscale version of Jerry Springer...minus bald-headed Steve and the tittiebeads...a favorite of McMansion Trash...
Ohh...I'm in a me DR. PHIL...
by Graffilthier May 23, 2008
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An amazing person who always knows just what to say. Always manages to calm me down when I'm having a bad day. My best friend, although he'll never know it.
Dr Phil told me I am making excuses and that I seriously need to stop looking for the bad in people.
by nooknoodle October 27, 2005
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A pimp who should grab a tommy gun and kill all of you haters. I like him because he looks old and he obviously hates rap so stop hating on him ya neo-era rap loving children and enjoy your little fantasy(see the neo-era rap def)
Dr. Phil probably fought in WW2
by Boobsky November 2, 2006
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Dr Phil is a shrink wit a tv show, who helps people with their problems.
"Yo, i dont wanna get all Dr Phil on ya.."
by WhoCares December 18, 2003
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a sexy proposition from your boss. The term originates from a horny and lustful employee's desire to turn anything into a sexual innuendo.

Synonym for lets get our freak on.
employer: Do you want to get Dr. Phil with it?
employee: ZOMG, yes!!
by wannbewannawont January 8, 2013
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Karl: Hey did you watch Dr. Phil yesterday?
Carl: Oh yeah I’m all about that ranch.
by dragonbg January 30, 2019
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