Coffee shop in the sitcom "Seinfeld", frequented by Joe DiMaggio.
Kramer: "I just saw Joe DiMaggio in Dinky Donuts. You know, I looked in there and there he was having coffee and a donut."
by Shaunn L. July 1, 2008
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pinky dinky is a small penis or "dinky" as some girls will call it, usually the girl will look at her own pinky finger or her thumb and she will laugh if your dick is the same size or smaller
Tiffanie looked down and saw that his dick was even smaller than her thumb. She almost choked with laughter but tried to remain calm. She quickly realized her thumb was bigger than Travis' pinky dinky. She started to laugh, but needed a ride home so she caught herself. The following week, every girl in high school would not date Travis unless they were interested in small penises.
by brad1256 January 20, 2014
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After I saw my mom naked, I suffered from dinky winky for a week
by Holden McCrank March 15, 2003
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White and smelly residue found around the head of a penis. Only happens when a male's penis is not circumcised. It's caused by bacteria build-up under the fore-skin.
Friend 1: Dude, what kinda cheese you got? im trying to make a sandwich
Friend 2: I only got dinky cheese...
Friend 1: ewww thats gross!
Friend 2: I know :(
by ElPhenomeno01 July 24, 2011
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A flaccid penis. Characterized by its flopping around if ungirded.
He was streaking in cold weather and everyone saw his dinky weineling.
by Badtoodles May 13, 2010
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