A euphemism created by the clique for having sexual intercouse with a partner or another individual.
Mate I'm watching a DVD so I'll be a bit late
by Cliquecrew January 28, 2015
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DVD Trance - When the the menu screen plays over and over again in a loop and plays the same music over and over again. This can literally put you in a trance.
I couldn't find the remote after the movie finished so I was stuck there in a DVD trance.
by jmanfresh September 17, 2009
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Children who sit in the corner and watch dvd’s or play video games at their parent’s family-owned restaurant.
I don’t want to go to China Wok anymore, there’s all those dvd kids.
by Kimberly Lin July 18, 2018
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code for getting someone over for sexual relations.
Textual convo at 2am

Chris - "Hey, do you want me to return your dvd player?"
Sandra - "Yeah, gimme a few minutes to shower."
by failureeeee December 18, 2011
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A successor to DVD with around 3x as much capacity, allowing for higher-quality video and extra features. Got utterly curbstomped by Blu-Ray.
"That HD-DVD player was the biggest waste of money I've ever spent."
by AtomicRain July 16, 2020
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Small creatures that are never seen but commonly known for stealing DVDs.

They are said to be close cousins to the underpants gnomes.
"Have you see my "insert dvd name here" DVD?"
"No... I haven't'"
"Hmmmm..... must have been those darn DVD Gnomes again....."
by edgedogg October 23, 2015
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