It's not democratic
Congo Citizen: "I'm going to vote for who will be in charge of the Democratic Republic of Congo"
Felix Tshisekedi: "You can't vote dumbass"
Congo Citizen "Aw shit"
by LordTrafficCone November 28, 2021
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Formerly Zaire, a central/south-central African country which is neither fully democratic nor a functioning republic. It is, however, located in the general vicinity of the Congo River. Site of the Second Congo War in which more than 5.4 million people were killed, making it the most deadly conflict since World War II.

It may be referred to as DR Congo or DRC to distinguish it from the Republic of the Congo, which is on the other side of the Congo River.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second poorest country in the world, after Zimbabwe.

Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Congo-Léopoldville, Congo-Kinshasa, and Zaire are all former names of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
by bierce November 20, 2010
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Interstate 285, the beltway around Atlanta, Georgia. So-called because Atlanta is a majority black city with an African American mayor and thus is characterized as "The Congo," a large country in Africa. (Trucker usage)
"I'm a-heading to Charlotte, good-buddy, speedballing all the way on 85."

"Roger, that. Due to traffic conditions south-southeast, which is blocked up tighter than a faggot's ass during a Sunday sermon, I suggest you take the northern artery of the Ring Around the Congo."

"Roger that, good buddy."
by Guy Lazarus March 1, 2006
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The most messed up country modern civilization has ever seen. More people have died in this country in war than any other war since World War 2. If you travel there, expect to see chopped off arms and dead babies lying around everywhere.
Girl: You don't know what its like to have a baby.
Guy who came from DRC: Oh rly? Well I was from the Democratic Republic of Congo biatch!
by Rick James biatch3 February 20, 2009
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Being in a state of extreme inebriation due to the excessive consumption of marijuana; very stoned.
I can't remember what I had on that pizza, man. I was totally congo-bongo eyed.
by kreebilicus July 8, 2009
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Refers to Concord California, "Congo"- "concord" we da gorillas in da mist son
by Davidous Maximous October 24, 2007
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A country in central africa and among the poorest countries in the world. Like much of Africa, it's capable of alot but has been conflicted with war and political corruption. It's rich mineral deposits were part of the reason for the Congolese Civil Wars which is what has destroyed any chance of political and economic growth.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo could be a much better place if it weren't for the constant crime and war
by RisingWither April 2, 2015
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