What Ryan calls his girlfriend Lowin on occasion.
o0o0o hello Chicken Wing!
by Tyler Durden September 26, 2004
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the Chicken Wing, the ruler of Chicken Wingy land and is the highest level of superior chicken, rules over all chickens, including Breaded Chicken.
The Chicken Wing, ruler of Chicken Wingy land, HAS TAKEN OVER THE WORLD.
by Breaded Chicken March 22, 2004
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When you have had multiple chances(3 or more) to score or get any type of action with someone of the opposite sex, yet being a pussy that you are, you backed out and went home to masturbate(see also pound the pudd). Congrats you loser, you've earned your chicken wings.
Gregg:"hey billy, did you finally bone sarah last night?"

Billy:"well, uhhh...i kinda got scared and went home."

Gregg:"you sorry son of a bitch, you probably got blue balls and had to pop one off alone."

Billy:"yea i had too"

Gregg:"you've got your chicken wings, now go on with the rest of your life as a faggot."

by AzNm0Nk3y January 9, 2006
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When a man cums into his girlfriends armpit and she immediately begins to belt out armpit farts while its full of cum.
She sure did make a mess doing that GOOEY CHICKEN WING.
by LpCarrDsch April 28, 2011
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It is a revolutionary bar game that takes place when a massive amount of chicken wings are to be eaten. Usually this is done on a wing night to reduce costs.

The game is simple and this will make chicken wing night even better. The goal is to stack the chicken bones from the wings on top of each other until the tower of bones falls then the last person to place is determined to be the loser.

Typically the game is played on a small plate (5") and when more than 3 cumulative bones fall off of the plate then the loser has been determined. And like any good game when a loser is found there must be a price for losing, and usually that involves buying a plate of wings. (another reason for playing on wing night, it is cheaper to buy if you lose)

These are the basic rules and adjustment can be made, and the game really only gets fun when 100 + wings are to be eaten.

Helpful hint: Eat fast and place poorly to screw over the others after you in order to get free wings.
Bono " Man that was one awesome game of Chicken Wing Jenga last night"
Rojo "What the fuck is Chicken Wing Jenga?"
Bono "You are such a loser if you do not know what it is, maybe you should stop being a freakin hermit and drink beer and eat some wings, you pussy and you can find out"
Rojo "ooo man I had no idea, I will put on my man pants and I will be a man, and play some Chicken Wing Jenga"
by Bono1121 May 27, 2009
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n. When the lips of a girl's vagina is so flappy that it seems like they could use them to fly.
I was getting lucky with this girl and she had the nastiest chicken wing muffin.
by ElevenTen11 November 16, 2011
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a term used when someone insults a person to give him/herself a "one up" or boasting.
Pretty Girl- "Remember that time you failed?"
Handsome Guy- "Thats not very nice..."
Pretty Girl- "You where the one that attempted a backflip and landed on your head, not me."
Handsome Guy- "... CHICKEN WING!!"
by JayPazz July 29, 2013
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