When someone kisses so much ass, the world around them seems non-existant.
When JJ Houle is around is girlfriend, he is a cake-eater.
by Mr. Big Head October 20, 2004
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A habitual bun duster. One who dines out but is remiss in repaying his or her social obligations.
I will not have that cake eater to dinner again.
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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One who very much much enjoys tricking his friends, and dragging them to random bars, to ultimately end up at a bar where his girlfriend "coincidently" happens to be at; ultimately causing his friend to catch a cab home alone- all so he can eat his girlfriend's cake. Thus, the cake eater.
Scott: "Hey, this bar sucks (when really it doesn't), I know a much better bar, follow me. Oh, wow, what a coincidence that my girlfriend is here!!"

Me: "You are a cake eater."
by Non Cake Eater May 16, 2009
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A term used when telling a person to be quiet.
Shut your cake eater, I am trying to watch T.V.
by Groovychica42 April 18, 2007
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noun. 1. Someone who is easily amused and/or entertained. 2. A gullible individual. 3. To pull the wool over someone's head.
What a Cake Eater! He actually believes Iraq had weapons of Mass destruction.
by Not a cake eater November 10, 2007
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A person who does not partake in the ingestion of marijuana.
Not necessarily a bad thing of course.
"You smoke weed?"
"So you're a cake eater."
by Andre_ December 19, 2005
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n. a girl who recieves a 9.5 on the hotness scale until she enters a dorm of drunken guys, says nothing, eats cake, and leaves
OMG did you see the 9.5 cake eater?
Hey Matt, there's your 9.5 cake eater.
by udcakeeater May 16, 2011
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