The rear hole of a female. Usually it tends to be more wide than regular butt holes. Robin is short for "Robbing", usually being used as "Robbing that bunghole of what it contains."
"Damn, I cant stop thinking about how big robins bunghole is."
"ikr dude, I could fit my head in it."
by Robinsbunghole November 12, 2017
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It is non solid, pure liquid juice that comes out of bunghole.
Dude that totally spurted bunghole gravy down his leg.
by Bunghole MASTA April 25, 2014
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Swanky meaning fancy or slutty depending on your context and bunghole mean anus. When you put the two words together you get swanky bunghole . Either a butt you fancy or and slut who is an asshole. An alternate form of swanky bunghole is swanky bungholio, like the Great Swanky Bungholio.
Julia: DUDE, this whore was all over my boyfriend last night!
Brooke: She must've been a swanky bunghole. Stupid bungholio.
by thegreatbungholio July 6, 2011
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The art of taking in the taste of your womans asshole while you lick and suck the days or more taste of her residue left around her wrinkled bunghole.
We got home and she undressed. I threw her on the bed, pulled her up on all fours and spread her ass cheeks wide and commenced to give her the best bunghole licking she ever had.
by Bunghole Lover January 11, 2005
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To place one's penile gracefully into one's rectum like a sophisticated hippo high on cocaine trying to tip toe through a mine field.
Damn man, I tiki bunghole her so hard she couldn't walk for a week.
by Spotifyguy7 February 26, 2019
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1) Another term for a doughnut.

2) Having sexual intercourse in the anus.
"Hey Strawberry, do you want a Glazed Bunghole?"
"Uhm... why don't we save it for later Fonzie?"
"Okay sure."
by Strawberry & Fonzie July 28, 2011
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Anal sex with as many different partners as possible in a specific period of time.
That party last night was awesome. It was a bunghole rodeo. I banged three chicks in a row.

My ass is a bit sore today. I don’t remember much after passing out. But pretty sure that I was a participant in a bunghole rodeo.
by Eaton Holgoode March 12, 2018
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