Seven classic blunders that may befall a mortal soul if they are not careful. The list varies by region but all corners of the earth have seven classic blunders.
"hah! You have fallen for one of the seven classic blunders!"
by The Goblin of The Nort July 14, 2021
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"Hey Rich how was your day today"
"Well, I just found out Bob Ross is dead so pretty blunderful"
by MrsDevito May 12, 2021
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A hidden gem of a ship. Fictional, mostly-canon pairing of GOB Bluth and Tony Wonder from the FOX/Netflix comedy Arrested Development.
"I hate to admit how much I legitimately ship Blunder."
"Nah, it's cool. So do I."
by mee-haw January 8, 2020
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A bloody blunder is a person who is clumsy and dim witted or just annoying you.
You bloody blunder just shut up.
by Tahiki May 10, 2022
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Someone who can not grasp the task at hand even though it’s the simplest of all tasks. A baboon, an idiot, moron, nincompoop, dead weight at work kind of guy.
Bud: man that guy over there’s a total blunder monkey, can’t even breathe right.
by WashYourPits June 26, 2019
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