Someone that captures your attention, then your heart before you notice. To some he looks like a mess of trouble; to others he is someone who deserves another chance. He is afraid of falling in love because he is afraid of being rejected by the one who means the most. He is outgoing but seems rather self absorbed. Don't let that fool you. When you get to know him he is an amazing person with a heart and feelings just like anyone else. He will go to any length to make sure you know how he feels about you. When you find him, don't ever let him go.
Person 1: Who is that?

Person 2: That's Blake. He's trouble, forget about him.
Person 1: Give him a chance, I think he could surprise you.
by *bucks2095 October 9, 2015
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A wonderful guy who will always be there for you and is really cute. He is one of the nicest guys out there and can capture a girls heart in just one glance. Really hard to find a Blake without a girlfriend. If you find one get to know him and if he asks you out, hold-on tight to him.
girl 1 - who is that guy over there?
girl 2 - that is Blake.
girl 1 - he is so hot!
girl 2 - to bad he has a girlfriend.
girl 1 - she is so lucky!
girl 2 - he took my heart at first glance!
by zanzabars_lovin September 18, 2010
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blake is the most amazing boyfriend who will drive you crazy but also crazy in love. he is handsome and smart and is a silly billy. you will LOVE him to death!!! he has the most amazing eyes and moments with him are the most memorable and special. he will make the day worth living and a life worth making. his cuddles are ohhh so sweet hehe his kisses and hugs are # 1. he is a prince if i do say so myself!
“you look very handsome today blake.”
by sunshine10/4 June 26, 2018
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A very caring and sweet guy. He is also very cute and smart. Many girls will fall for him but out of them all he only loves one. The one he loves is a very lucky woman.
I love Blake so much, he's so nice
by dude4634 June 1, 2013
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A male who is so extreemely hot he can instantly make any female wet just by looking at her.
He is most likely full of himself.

Blake is kickass at EVERYTHING except poker and pool.
Trisha: "OMG! Blake just looked at me!" *faints*

Blake: "Oh well, she wasn't good enough for me anyway"

Aaron: "Dude, you're such a douche"

Blake: "What ever at least I'm a super hot douche"
by Drama Queen 101 July 11, 2008
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