Sally was very tired after she and S.B. finished their bedroom antics. He was such a good lover she always felt relaxed and happy for hours.
by lilredvxn June 10, 2005
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Software or video game programmed by amateur coders, who program for the love of it, not for making money for publishers.
Uplink is one of the best modern bedroom programming games.
by CannedLizard December 23, 2003
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(1) Eyes that are naturally heavy-lidded, giving their owner a permanently sultry look. (2) When someone's eyelids have drooped as part of an expression of desire.
(1) I could just lose myself in Jensen Ackles' bedroom eyes. (2) I was making out with David yesterday and he was totally giving me bedroom eyes.
by enb14 October 31, 2011
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The expression bedroom eyes originated as a description of a half-closed or sleepy eyed look . Most often used to denote someone with hooded eyes . google hooded eyes - it is a truly sexy look .
She smiled and watched me with her bedroom eyes.
by watchem February 22, 2009
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A sex game - While having sex with your girlfriend (or wife) call out their sister's name and see how long you can hang on.
I (we) tried the bedroom rodeo last night, I lasted 10 seconds and got a black eye.
by Neal Hanson December 15, 2007
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When a person's facial expression and/or inadvertent phrasing or tone, give you a unwanted preview of what they might be like in the bedroom. Similar to the "o-face" from office space.
Ex. 1 "Although the singer struggled to hit the song's high notes, he succeeded in giving everyone a Bedroom peek"

Ex. 2 I know she was just asking for her pen back but the way she said "Give it to me" was a total bedroom peek.

Ex. 3 Any moaning, outside of a life threatening injury, is a bedroom peek.
by Yo Gabi Gabi May 15, 2010
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Bedroom athlete Sports entertainment is porno the large body of work is a bKhaki shirt
by Kingofdick February 2, 2022
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