A really good band that broke up in 1996 after the bassist died. I have both of their cds. I love them both.
We smoke the bones of baby dolls. -Acid Bath.
by Blake Marie April 24, 2007
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When a person bathes using wind combined with cologne or perfume as a substitute for water and soap. Most wind-bathers attempt to clean themselves on the way to school, events or their workplace making use of the wind from highway trafficking.
"With the grease dripping from his hair and enlarged pores, you know he strictly takes wind-baths."
by informee March 6, 2013
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When your bearded dragon takes a fat bath and splashes around in, and all together mucks up his water dish. But it is also quite adorable.
My lizard Pedro is taking a beardies bath! Magnificent!
by Jeffy! May 10, 2005
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The act of using a spray-on deodorant without the formality of washing first. Used to cover the smell of old body odour when one is either short on time, bone idle, or both.
Fuck are you guys heading out already? Hang on, I'll just have a Yorkshire bath.
by Kurisuchan September 29, 2006
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To cleanse oneself with baby wipes. Based upon how prostitutes clean up between johns. A variation of a mexican shower.
I didn’t have time to go home after work, so I took a hooker bath at the office.”
by Harry Michas January 4, 2006
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a girl that wears excessive makeup to cover up her horrendous facial features. they are called bath bombs because once you take them out on a date on any source of water (pool, lake) their makeup collapses in a similar fashion to a bath bomb
wesley: "damn bro have u seen carmen's new instagram post? she got her titties showin out and everything!"
justin: "nigga shes a bath bomb"
wesley: "how??"
justin: "take her to the pool and watch her turn into a fuckin zombie when all her makeup fades"
by monstasEVERYWHERR February 27, 2023
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the act of not taking a bath, but bathing yourself with axe, tag, etc. usually results from pure laziness.
2 guys after playin ball:

dude one: yo man i need to take a shower, i smell like shit
dude two: nah man we don't got time for all dat. take a nigger bath
by kirns March 26, 2008
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