This term is usually used in conjection with the name of a know it all friend. These "facts" are typically things that the other individual has decided on their own as the way something works and assumes is too complicated of a thing for most people to know how it actually works, so what the individual has come up with is then stated as a fact. The recipient of the fact is usually well aware that it is complete bullshit. Thus when the recipient of the fact restates it to a fiend it is quoted as a (insert generic friends name here) "fact"
Friend: ellen told me that gravity is actually a push force not a pull force

Me: wow that is such an ellen fact
by sonofturbo October 7, 2009
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Milo: i love you more!!
Brandon: nooooooo
Milo: yessssssss
Brandon: you can't prove it!
Milo: you don't have to prove something if it's already facts.
by owo.milo November 17, 2019
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Guy 1: "All penguins are people."
Guy 2: "Where the fuck did you here that?"
Guy 1: "The urban dictionary. "
Guy 2: "Okay, that makes it a fact!"
by Abraxyz420 November 8, 2015
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Kameron is always right, do not argue with him. When he says a fact it is one hundred perrcent correct
That BMW IS SEXY that is a FACT
by Redgie3232 August 12, 2019
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Something that is true or real.
Kaepernick sucks as a quarterback! This is a fact.
by z0riax January 14, 2015
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When something is 100% fictional regarding religious views of the universe and it's scientific laws.
Fact - If the earth was 10ft closer to the sun we would all burn up and if it was 10ft further we would freeze to death.. God is amazing!
by ensign May 21, 2012
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A piece of information, usually not true, that a person cites in order to win an argument.
I don't really know if 1.2% of marriages end in murder, it was just a rhetorical fact to shut bob up.
by thefj February 11, 2014
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