oh shiet its 4 20 time 2 hit this joint mofawka
by fuckedup April 20, 2004
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A term to mean to toke up. It orriginly came from a group of High Schoolers in the 70's who called themselves the Waldos. It took root and spread to what it is now-a-days.

It did not have anything to do with penal code.
"It's 4:20. Wanna' toke?"
by (None) January 13, 2005
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cron day, smokey the pot day, the time of day hippies in the 60s used to smoke up so they used the time of day as code so they could talk infront of people about it, and my BIRTHDAY :D
april 20 = every1 should get high
4.20pm = time to smoke a reefer
by n333m August 24, 2004
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April 20th.

people keep trying to find the origin for this most sacred of celebrations.. but i say:

Its an excuse to smoke a Fucking lot of pot!
so stop asking questions and just
its 4:20 man
time to seshh
by sttonner April 15, 2006
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adolf hitlers birthday.
Person # 2:Yeah man, lets get stoned
by elizabeth April 17, 2005
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Skin up time! no matter what the time is, if you are tokin a joint, its 4:20. And on april the 20th, that is the ultimate day for an almighty stone-up sesh.
"its 4:18, you got two minutes before 4:20 to skin up."
by RattleheaD August 19, 2006
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