An event that remains unconnected to the reprocussions of American foreign policy in the minds of the majority of Americans.
9/11 was the day when the violence perpetuated by a plethora of corporations finally reached America.
by humancadaver101 September 14, 2006
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Bush and his little buddies got together and demolished a few buildings to finish the war his daddy started and for revenge, blamed the "plane crashes" on the dudes who tried to kill his father and to also get oil from their country. The whole thing was a set-up, and God Bless to the people that died that day and their families and friends.
George Bush is a psychotic freak who has nothing to do in his spare time but to risk American soldiers' lives in a pointless war that was supposed to be only one year long and blow up building's on 9/11.
by Danix May 15, 2007
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A series of events taking place over months, that most of you know absolutly nothing about, 9/11 Was not a terrorist attack, It was a self-inflicted way of earning billions upon billions of dollars in oil.
Read the facts of 9/11 form your own opinion, Turn off ur damn television and pick up a fucking book, Oh and look up ignorance.
by DoSome Research. September 9, 2006
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1. The date that initiated the biggest cover-up in American history. On 9/11, our governtment decided it was time to inflict outragous acts of terrorism, blame it on someone else, destroy all the evidence that could link them criminally by destroying the building they were using to control the demolition of the two towers (WTC7), and then start a war that cannot be won.
2. The date 'shock & awe' was initiated....Sorry to all the Americans who thought it was meant for the Iraqis. You've been dooped by your tyrannical government, again.
You can't always trust the news...especially when people running the news are directly related to members of government. All the news that was broadcast was and still is controlled by the government. What they don't want you to see is the security tapes confiscated by the FBI from motels & highway security cameras that show a cruise missle hitting the pentagon. If it had been a hijacked airplane that hit the pentagon, I'm sure the government could make some frames public that actually show a plane. But you know why you haven't seen it? Cause it doesn't exist. I'm sure they could show you a cruise missle, but that would proved they lied. I'm not even going to get into the twin towers. You can see for yourself at This is one of many sites that question the governments "Ommision Report." All that needs to be said is, "The lack of proof by the government to prove, without a doubt, that it was a terrorist action, is the proof that they had everything to do with the attacks of 9/11." Just because the government "Said So", that doesn't make it proven truth.
by R.Kelley September 24, 2007
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When George Bush blew up the world trade centre.
People say that in 9/11 jet fuel can't melt steal beams
by Pizza__ September 11, 2016
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Jerry: What did Bush do, again?
Gary: He did 9/11
by Saint Nicholas Cage May 26, 2015
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Infamous false flag operation that was planned and orchestrated by individuals within the United States government with help from Israel. The purpose being to give a reason to implement martial law and fascism in America and to invade foreign countries. A pre-fabicrated story about "Osama bin Laden and 17 highjackers" was released soon after the attacks to fool the American people. Amazingly enough, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, a number of gullible Americans still believe the "17 highjackers" fable.
"9/11 changed everything. That means we have to surrender our rights and obey the government. Anyone who doesn't comply is a terrorist and will be treated as such."
by G. S. S. August 15, 2007
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