Much like Dry January but more liberal. Only drink in January while getting a blow job.
While getting a blow job last night, I decided to make it a moist January.
by Lake House Terms January 9, 2023
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When attempting to hook up with a longtime crush, you imbibe some liquid courage... just a little too much. Upon reaching the promised land (her bed), you immediately pass out and urinate all over her sheets while she graciously sleeps next to your pathetic drunken carcass. In the morning, when your crime is discovered you blame her... and have never speak to one another again.
Jesus Christ! That motherfucker Lionel pulled a Moist Diane on me last night after I bought all of his drinks... so I told him to lose my number.
by GrundleStiltskin69 November 24, 2019
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When two people hold hands and they get really sweaty and gross.
Dude I was so nervous it was full moist mittens with her
by Sloppy sambo April 30, 2022
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Bro Sally and I stayed up texting last night . she said the next morning she "moist the bed". Damn bro through text?
by marconorman97 May 6, 2016
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Moist crack is when your cracks (crevice) is very moist from sweeting because your fat.
Wow you have a moist crack
by Nong fat October 30, 2015
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After sex when a woman sits up and queefs loudly
“Yo dude when I smashed Tina yesterday she let out the loudest moist honk I’ve ever heard”
by Basedpenits June 9, 2023
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A moist molly is like a wet willy but where you put your finger in a belly button instead
Ah mate, she gave me a moist molly!
by AlanaLecter July 8, 2023
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