The small audio button in the corner of a video that you press on a Facebook video to hear the sound. For some reason, Facebooks interpretation of you pressing this button translates to “I now want to hear the audio of every video, audio clip, movie, TikTok, and advertisement in my news feed because I watched this one clip”
I can’t hear this one.

“Press the Sound On Button in the corner.”
Oh thanks.

“No problem. Just make sure you turn it off before you keep scrolling because Facebook will play every video”
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 9, 2023
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Sound candy is when someones voice is so pleasing to hear it's like hearing the taste of your favourite candy or sweet thing
Muse A: You know, hearing your voice is like sound candy, I love it
by MothOfTheVoid August 16, 2021
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The act of two teenagers masturbating to eachothers moans on a call late at night.
Me and her are doing Sound-On tonight!
by Eclipzu September 27, 2021
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When the party needs to being a little to loud.
"Hey guys we need to turn it down for a sec, Sober Sound Check please."
by December 20, 2020
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A type of electronic music characterized by a certain Armenian aura, consisting of robot noises, a “skunky” aroma, and excessive use of cologne (Hugo Boss).

It has been known to start parties and forest fires of massive proportions, sometimes causing damage to several hundred acres & eardrums at a time.
That “RNA Sound” started a whole darn mosh pit at my grandpa’s funeral the other day. Shit was wild
by notRNA August 27, 2022
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