When a bitch is sucking on the tip of your dick while she is stroking the shaft.
Yo, that bitch Kelsey from the club last night was giving me the DA (dual action) in the bathroom!
by Smoooth August 22, 2012
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The process of passing fluid from the mouth during sleep
You had 'bile action' all over the pillow last night
by Spaghetti hoop February 4, 2014
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Meaning to do one thing and mistakenly doing something else, due to stress, panic, fatigue, etm. And distraction, don't forget distraction...
Steven: 'Michael! How the hell did you end up crashing your damn car last night?'

Chris: 'He pulled on the handbrake instead of changing gears the d*** head'.

Michael: 'F***, I was kinda tired, it was an action typo'.
by l3_u_r_n_z_y November 18, 2010
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a tall sexy man in a army suit 😏
damn look over there, there’s an action man
by mialikesmorrison800 April 24, 2021
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He couldn't keep his hands to himself today they was everywhere it's like he was an octopus
I was in the kitchen today and his trunk action was uncontrollable
by Markim March 14, 2018
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Is when your partners hands are everywhere touching you all over and you can't block all the advances
OMG you must be pent up your trunk action is uncontrollable today your like a bloody octopus
by Markim March 17, 2018
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