RedPassing religion,Is a religion where you can’t show the top of your head during the daylight
Timmy respectfully wheres a hat during daylight hours cause he is RedPassing (religion)
by Billybobsamueljr October 1, 2021
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RedPassing religion,Is a religion where you can’t show the top of your head during the daylight
Timmy respectfully wheres a hat during daylight hours cause he is RedPassing (religion)
by Billybobsamueljr October 1, 2021
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The bu**s**t statement that pushy/self-righteous Bible-thumpers --- no matter what denomination --- hastily tell you in an attempt to reassuringly counter your protest of, "No thanks --- I've never had any luck with religion or churches; everyone there is always arrogant and hypocritical to me, and expects too much of me." Uh-huh... **sure** they are --- believe that, and they'll tell ya another one --- plus they've probably also got some swampland in Florida to sell you. :P
Disgusted teenager: I had a recently "converted" zealot from a local religious group tell me that, "Oh, you'll love us, trust me --- my religion's not like the others that you've had negative experiences with! OUR God is the True God, and He will treat you much better!" Yeah, right --- and the KKK claims to actually a virtuous people-respecting organization as a whole --- "it was just a few radical extremist splinter-groups that were violent, and gave the whole organization a bad name"! It's what they ALL say... just about EVERY group or organization enthusiastically claims to be "different" and "much better than the others", when in reality most of them are just about the same in terms of how they treat you or how they behave.
by QuacksO September 18, 2018
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Jahism is a religious branch of Christianity, Originated in the United States. The Religion of Jah is based on the head god, his mentor, three saints, and three henchmen. The god of Jahism is unknown but referred to as Jah, thus Jah is also considered the head of the three saints. The Three Saints conprise of XXXTentacion, Adolf, and Sal from Impractical Jokers, each of these saints also have "henchmen", with these being Hampter, Biggie Cheese, and the Thumb from Spykids. Common practices in the religion include punishments such as Neutering and edging.
"Bro, youre a Simp Catholic Christain?"
"yea, ive always wanted to know how to become a chad like you"
"easy bro, just follow me to the Church of Jah and join the Religion of Jah"
"Wow! now i can be the biggest chad in the world!"
by Yoboichickennugg December 5, 2021
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A Religious group which is all about the care for all race, religion, and sexuality. Their leader is unknown but also known by many. The religious leader or “God” is to be said named Antonio. It is a free religion. Anyone can join just by getting accepted.
I’m part of the Drakish Religion.
by Drakish Religion November 2, 2018
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Freedom of religion is an arsenal of your own personal religious traits that can be used at any time by you and sometimes combos are available.
Did David just beat down Jon with. All his religions by himself? Using your freedom of religion is cool but don't abuse it.
by bushlight January 16, 2018
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