Guy: “Aye look that’s Clout Stalin
Clout Stalin: “ Droppin soon”
by Clout Stalin January 11, 2018
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similar to clout, it's the skill set and/or experience shown to prove that you, in fact, are a complete fucking loser. primary example is video gaming.
Ted: yo dude congrats on hitting 2k hours in gmod! that's some serious loser clout if i've ever seen it
by brokemachinebroke May 10, 2019
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Vaping while walking.
-leaving a trail of vape clouds.
(Like crop dusting)
Jesse just clout dusted those noobs, haha. I hope they like watermelon clouds. Clout dusting at its best LOL.
by Broboymandude August 14, 2018
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When you follow someone on Instagram and they don't follow back
Ahhhh man I just got clout licked by this chick with a million followers, but hey.....shes pretty hot so she can steal more than my number for her clout score!
by The_word_wizzard January 21, 2019
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