School directed by fat meatball. Barks orders at nameless staff. Children work slave hours and get served cardboard for grub. Overridden by invasive species of Latinos! Whole staff has collective IQ of 1. Gala events are scams af. Fat Meatball with teeth spread wide enough to insert a quarter through them. Beware of Bridge troll nurse and dragon breath teacch.
If you go to Trinity School for Children, you got numbnutZ!!! - JWheele Outttt!!!
by Ms. DawnsLeftNut May 2, 2023
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When you have a threesome with a father and a son ---> making you the holy spirit. ;)

other definiton: gooch, balls, cock
definition 1: Forgive me Father for I have sinned ... Last night Eric, his father, and I did the HOLY Trinity.

definition 2: Eric came so fast, the holy trinity works so well.
by Jensenfuckingackles October 3, 2022
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The Holy Trinity is the Three Greatest teachers ever. All know how to teach math they are the Holy Trinity we look up to. They will guide you on the journey of life they are here for us they will forever be there for us.
Billy"She Is A Great Teacher"
John"She Teaches Like Someone From The Holy Trinity"
by YusifMyG July 9, 2019
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The Holy Trinity consisted of three people those three people are Ethan and Grayson Dolan and Emma Chamberlain. They all used to be a part of the so-called sister Squad which consisted of James Charles Emma Chamberlain and Ethan and Grayson Dolan, but James had a scandal and they ditched him. I guess
"The Holy Trinity is better off 💅"
"I just made a Holy Trinity edit, wanna see it?"
by @_iconic_dols_ July 10, 2019
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When you have 'completed' a girl. When you have ejacualted in a womans fanny, bumhole and mouth.

Super Holy Trinity if you complete this challenge in 1 night
Holy Fuck you know that wee cow over there, she's had the Holy Trinity off Kev
by brown0808 December 6, 2022
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Holy Trinity is used to describe a group of extremely high class trolls. This originated from the three individuals Eraserhead, XaaMon and Dripstein. These three were the original master trolls and continue to be immensely powerful on discord.
Bro that raid was such a Holy Trinity of a troll. So epic!
by TheEraserhead August 16, 2021
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