Batman Syndrome - A pejorative slang term to describes a non-black man who acts out his fantasy of being a superhero by taking the law in his own hands against a black person that he suspects is a criminal.
I think guys like the one who killed Jordan Neely suffer from Batman Syndrome
by Whodeene May 9, 2023
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When an animal starts squatting you, and you get so scared of them that you can't even stand them
I fell near a butterfly nest, and they all rushed up to me!!!! Now I'm so scared. That is the batman syndrome.
by King Sage March 29, 2017
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When one goes poop with the whole toilet seat up.
George: Why is your butt all wet?
Brad: I was Going Batman and I fell in.
by hubcapStan May 18, 2023
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The late night resident , usually inebriated, who has taken it upon himself to patrol his or her Buildings , units , leasing office amenities, etc.. late at night. Looking for any unusual activity or disturbance such as loud party’s , excessive speed through the parking lots, loud birds , or any other nuisance that he/she deems unacceptable. He brandishes his own swift justice. Unfortunately this only results in his own embarrassment and a hangover of shame when the sun rises
I got really drunk Last night and all Of a sudden turned into stupid ‘Preferred apartment community Batman’ again. I was yelling at the teenagers to turn down their garbage edm music and taking down license plate numbers to give to the cops
by RynothaGyno June 3, 2020
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The act of charging ones phone, whilest showering exciting oneself and masturbating.
"Why'd you take so long?"

"Sorry, I was having a cheeky batman. I was horny, dirty and my phone needed charging."
by CheekyBatman September 2, 2015
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A phrase used to salute craziness and/or Batman; from "The Most Disturbing Submission Letter Ever" sent to the editors of DC Vertigo comic book (abbrev. LLTBM).
Just finished reading that "manifesto" he wrote on Facebook. Wow... Long live the Batman, I guess.
by whatno April 12, 2010
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Given enough time to prepare for any encounter, Batman will win.
Batsy: What are you, retarded? I'm the goddamn Batman!

Bystander: How did he just-
Bystander 2: Batman logic.
Bystander: But that doesn't make sense! How can he defeat-
Bystander 2: Don't question it. He's the goddamn Batman.
by PatchworkPsycho March 29, 2017
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