Something players and most people wouldn't catch since they are focused on scoring.
Hardly anybody, if anybody, noticed the time clock was off.
by Solid Mantis February 28, 2021
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A time clock can't read 4:33 one second before reading 4:22. 11 seconds don't pass in one.
Something about the time clock on the college game was off, since the time was moving a little quick for reality.
by Solid Mantis February 28, 2021
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The phrase "Having a Snitt time" refers to when you're having amazing time where you feel emotions of happiness
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basically, the person who tells you this, is the fucking worst person, so do not be friend with that person cuz I have a friend like that, she just texted me that cuz we are in an argument, they are very toxic peeps.
'(the argument or whatsoever), whatever i dont want to waste time talking to you...(the emoji which have its eyes rolling)'
by iamunknowncuzwhynot? May 22, 2020
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To consume enough alcohol to the point where you only remember several key highlights from your binge drinking or night drinking.
Man 'o' man!! I was time traveling last night. After the first bar, I remember only small blips of the evening. Food, that one bar, some chick I danced with, made out, eating all your food outta the fridge...then...
by Milk_wasa-bad_choice December 23, 2014
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Used to express "me time," but played off of the phrase "one on one time."
Girl 1: Hey, what are you up to tonight?

Girl 2: It's been such a busy week, I really need some one on me time.
by jezzabezz July 21, 2010
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