A crack sound in your teeth when you wiggle a loose tooth
1: Child: mom, my tooth made a cracking sound, is that normal?

Mom: yes Hun, it is very normal, I fact, it is called a tooth crack

(Also see liose tooth{
by XX_dragon__slayerxX July 19, 2016
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This connotes someone with shark teeth.Often looks puzzly,like a maze,like a bag of skittles, like someone threw a brick at it.You can often catch this person flossing with peculiar objects ranging from a mattress to a pillow to even car tyres.
by Jj176 August 6, 2023
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A sexual position where one partner is tied up and is in slightly levitating stance, riding the other partner similar to the reverse cowgirl.
“Man me and my girl last night tried the reverse tooth fairy.”
Sir this is a Wendy’s drive through….”
by Urlocalsimp69 February 20, 2022
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The act of farting underneath someone's pillow. Desired effect is for some unsuspecting sleeper, instead of a nice cool pillow, to get a fart in the face.
Dirty Randy: Hey what were you doing in Jimmy's bedroom?

Frisky Dan: I was tooth fairying his pillow for later on!

Dirty Randy: I hope he gets pink eye.

Frisky Dan: I hope he gets aggressive rectal cancer and dies......

Dirty Randy: That escalated quickly.
by Frisky Dan November 26, 2016
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An urban legend that children think is true but isn't.For example children put there tooth under there pillow and sleep then they think that the tooth fairy will take there tooth but its actually there parents.
Child:I can't wait for the tooth fairy
Parent:Takes the child's tooth and put money under there pillow

Child:Mommy!I got 50 dollars from the tooth fairy!!
by oh.its.me.mbasa June 22, 2020
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When performing oral sex, the person giving the oral sex rip apart the penis with there canine teeth.
Person 1: Sarah git mad and gave me the "Saber tooth tiger"
Person 2: ouch!
by TiddleBeWiddle September 4, 2022
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