When you put soda in a cooler on vacation and its harder to open because the aluminum shrinks.
I cant open this it has Vacation Soda.
by Soda_Man October 6, 2022
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Peach soda is the preferred flavor of hot Miami femboys to get used to eat their femboy pussy. Peach soda is readily available at a Miami MILF party also.
Femboy: "Bring a peach soda."
Straight Sugar Daddy: "I'm going to eat your ass out with peach soda"
by MiamiSwingersFan May 30, 2023
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He's been snorting that devil's baking soda.
by Esalad420 September 21, 2020
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When an interracial couple has sex that ultimately ends in explosive diarrhea
“Don’t Tell anyone, but Patricia and Tyrone just shared a chocolate soda.”
by hazelbeit March 26, 2018
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Refers to how good a carbonated-beverage-based comestible tastes.
Dat lemon-lime-pineapple smoothie dat da dude behind da refreshments-counter whipped up for me was soda-licious!
by QuacksO January 14, 2023
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Cleaning utensil designed to clean up stains, specifically those from pop drinks. Not to be confused with beer sponges or cum sponges.
Person 1: Dude, I just spilled my Mountain Dew, can you help me out?

Person 2: I ran out of paper towels but you can borrow my soda sponge.
by MadHatter6 May 23, 2020
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