Mason: Eve Gold is so pretty!

Person 2: who the fuck is Eve Gold?
by V99z October 23, 2023
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1. said to a woman when she announces something ironic right before something drastic occurs

*common in bad scary movies

2. referring to eve from genesis. it is play off the saying "that's what she said" but for the modern age catastrophe
being with a friend and she says "I wonder what herpes looks like", I reply "that's what eve said" then bam two weeks later she has herpes.

That bitch that said, "I wonder what happens when we eat these apples..", and we get kicked out of the garden of eden type of shit..
by KaptainKid February 6, 2012
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Whenever a man or a woman is on top during sexual intercourse and shouts, "Now this is podracing!"
"So my boyfriend is a huge Star Wars and decided to pull a Boonta Eve Classic last night by shouting, 'Now this is podracing!' During sex last night."
by That_Sheetz_Guy April 25, 2018
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When, on television, you can nearly see her lady parts, but it’s too dark.
I can’t believe we almost saw Tina’s lady parts in the musical, “Hello Again.” It’s almost like it should be called, “Eve’s Nest.”
by CH & Jess Jess May 5, 2019
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an american motocross safetyy equipment company
EVS sports has been around since 1985
by Frey7190 October 23, 2008
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this girl has a crush on probably the ugliest guy and sucks at math. she gleeks a little too much and she has a really good shrek impression.
person 1: why is ev s galloping around like a horse girl
person 2: man, i don’t know, that’s just ev s!
by xdlogic2007 November 24, 2021
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