1. Sniffing a man's pubes by shoving his dick deep inside your throat with your mouth sealed around his base flattening the nose against his mons. Widely known as deep throating.
2. Eating out a woman's pussy with your nose buried in her mons pubes.
1. The chick I picked up last night went wild for my boner the minute I lost my pants. Before I knew it she went pube sniffing and freed me of my first load in less than a minute.
2. Once she sniffed my pubes I went pube sniffing on her by vacuuming my mouth on her gash.
by dutchpantyraider March 15, 2018
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Beef curtains so dense and pendulous that they reach past the dick on penetration and poke a dude’s pubes.
I hooked up with the this girl the other night. Her pube pokers were so gnarly, they made me chafe.
by August 2, 2023
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A human males erect penis that, unlike most, is covered with hair.
Sarah: So I went back to Jon's last night.
Beth: Oh yeah?
Sarah: He pulled out his dick was covered with hair!
Beth: Jon has a pube cannon, haha. Gross
by thatmanwotsaidthings May 22, 2013
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A tattoo peeling a couple of days after it was done
by Mk Mia February 5, 2020
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Verb; The act of milking your pet grandpa....... (I'm serious)
Johnny asked Michael why he was so tried coming to school, in which he replied "I was up all night pubing".
by Tlobinomics55 February 1, 2017
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When a large black man takes his dreaded 2 foot long pubes with a built in vibrator, and puts it in a man's asshole, and keeps it in until the insides are hairy and the receiving man has shit his intestines out.
I caught some opps lacking and shoot em up besides lil tt, then I pubes anginal mating wit him.

Damn do it to me bby gurl
by fuck dead opps in ass May 24, 2022
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olioq has these under his penis (he is a fat nigger)
"yoooo her fucking tits were halfway out"
"shut the fuck up you alien pube"
by woodball September 28, 2023
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