One designated night per week where couples engage in anal sex.
I'm always sore on Thursday mornings because Wednesdays are me and my husband's Greek night
by Mitchigan August 25, 2017
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A potato you shove into a girl’s rectum that when she clenches her cheeks, turns into mashed potatoes
You want a greek potato?
by Bodacious Bootyhole Bandit December 28, 2017
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A Greek Crucifixion is when a man, typically gay, takes on four or more other guys at once.

The term name comes from the Greeks, as known for being gay, and Crucifixion, because he has dicks in every possible part of his body, simulating the nails and crown of thorns used on Christ.
Dude Randy got a Greek Crucifixion from those 5 gay tweakers next door last night. Now he has AIDS!
by Trz Sewercap May 21, 2020
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Greek flirting - So when are we going over to yours to make souvlaki and make it ouzo
by Zillogee November 18, 2022
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The most useless thing in the world cause you need to use 5 different i's WHO NEEDS THAT MANY I'S!?!
Dude: yo what is the greek word for wall
Dude2: τοιχος
Dude: thats alotta greek i's if ya ask me
by ☹︎ November 2, 2023
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A form of paganism that is a revival of the worship of all the gods of the ancient Greeks.

According to the people who are into this form of worship just because people no longer worship a god that does not mean he or she does not exist.
The style of worship is the same as that carried out by the ancient Greeks.
He's into Greek pantheon worship.
by Judge dredd7 July 6, 2011
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