Conversation fit for a King or a Queen with dignity
As Kingpen VVS Jules said to the court, “Here in this group of extraordinary people, this collective of great ones , we have Regal Talk Only here, powerful enough to move mountains!”
by The KingPen VVS Jules July 8, 2022
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Sometimes, things get a little crazy in chat.
I was gonna watch ranboo but I heard he doesnt use sub only chat…”
by cluaireo June 29, 2021
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Bitch ass group of murders, scared ass folk, or manipulative ass holes who hide in the shadows waiting to surrender to the real living God. They claim they are God but only use false doctrine to achieve there magical lies. NA.-NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS.
We are the one and only. There's no other way to get clean and sober. Give the one and only all your praise and glory when it really belongs to Christ.
by NewClear_Mindset⁹¡⁹ September 10, 2022
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This is the starter phrase for a common East Coast denial statement.
The only answer is 'But a Penis.'
Fred "How about those Eagles?"
Jim "It was a bad call on the second half, it's why we lost!"
Fred "Well, that's not only a bonus..."
Jim "...but a Penis!"
by AnalTouchingExperience March 2, 2023
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