bukake where the recipient is wearing a veterinary cone collar
the triad gang member snitched and got a hong kong milk tea in retaliation.
by polyclef April 12, 2023
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1. Being overly beast like.

2. Being insanely good in bed.
GF: How the hell did you break the toilet?

BF: I guess I was being too King Kong-ish.

GF: My BF was King-Kongish last night. It was amazing.
GF's friends: oooh, you go girl!
by CrazyJMiles November 22, 2009
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Beef Rice with Crab and New Zealand butter.
Friday July 12th at 8:00 a.m I prepared a Hong Kong Breakfast and ate it delicately listening to the radio.
by a77 July 12, 2019
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when you are going down on a girl and she pulls out her cock and fucks your face.
hey baby lets get nasty and monster hong kong if you know what i mean.
by ButtFucker70-1 February 23, 2017
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Hong Kong Observatory is a part of Environment and Ecology Bureau(EEB),it is so useless that even the whole Hong Kong is flooded,we still need to go school or work.It is famous for the Li's field.The chance of typhoon no.8-10 during school day is 0%.
A:I hope there will be a typhoon tomorrow
B:Go dream la,even there is, the Hong Kong Observatory wont let us have rest.
by MTR GUY September 29, 2023
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Hong Kong Head is when an asian girl pours soy sauce in your penis and gives you a rough blow job, licking all the soy sauce off.
"Dude, Jenny gave me some bomb sex last night."
"Well, i got hong kong head from Jasmine!"
"Sound of Jealousy"
by dolphineisha April 11, 2014
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