I dont know what to say, Its doom on a pregnancy test, In 2021, some dude named "Beyazıt Kartal" Decided to make doom playable on a pregnancy test, Thats all.
Male 1: Hey did you hear of the dude who made doom on a pregnancy test?
Male 2: This is how hard quarantine can effect someone huh?
Male 1: ..What do you mean?
by France Is Terrible July 11, 2023
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"Hey Hunter, remember those doom hacks I showed you? Pretty cool right?"
by Jaquavie November 3, 2022
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When a man cuts a particularly loud or smelly fart at the wrong time, and any chance of romance for the rest of the evening is ruined.
I was going to get laid last night, but I let loose with the Brown Wind Of Doom.
by 2chair May 20, 2015
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The speaker “half doomed” and the other person “semi-sweet” insinuates that although separately they’re only halves of a whole, together they complete each other.
by Vampirejerk May 21, 2023
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Someone who relentlessly watches the same TV series or show over and over again on a "loop of doom" until they can recite the entire script off memory, whilst simultaneously claiming that all current TV offerings are sub-par and not worthy of their attention.
Friend of Doom Looper; Have you seen that new show on Netflix that just came out?

Doom Looper; Nah, it sucks.
Friend of Doom Looper; But you havent seen it?
Doom Looper; I'm currently watching "The Office" for the 645th time.

Friend of Doom Looper; You're a Doom Looper.
by Det. Lloyd Gross November 14, 2020
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A woman who has a very deep vagina that you 'wish' you hadn't gone down. Usually smells of unholy rotting fish. Common occurrence after this experience is never to park that car there again.

Commonly referred to as Tiffany Crawford.
by bitchcanthandle March 29, 2016
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