A woman's ass, usually referring to a woman with a big round nice plump ass
"That blonde has a nice chunk." "I'd fuck her up the chunk." "I grabbed her chunk during sex."
by LintonFar November 29, 2014
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Forceful throwing of something. Blend of the word chuck and dunk.
I’m gonna chunk this rock out of the window.
by thehalligan September 29, 2020
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The act of cutting up a rolled blunt and smoking the chunks in a bong. Originates from Southern Tier area of NY.
Yo man I just rolled this fatty, lets smoke some chunks!!
by Beta39 January 4, 2018
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Person who isn't too bright at life and mostly just gets in the way and not too physically attractive, not a hunk
Joe doesn't have much on the ball, more or less a chunk
by gregin' (Greg Dahlen) August 30, 2022
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The nickname of a larger person, usually too soft to do anything, even after any insult.
Ryan "Chunk" Frazier
by HAHAHAHAHA99 August 4, 2011
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my parents left at a very young age, I was forced to move to different homeless shelters and orphanages. Eventually I was picked up by this nice couple, they were pretty old and died. Then jesus adopted me and told me I was the true son god, pcicckc up the phone MA they're Inm yM WALLLSLSSLS NOW MOTHER so anyway that's how my skin got loose.
my life is like a CHUNKS
by cunkie wunkie 2 May 1, 2022
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“Chunk” the dog also known as the goat is a small dog from : Chicago, Illinois . He originally gained the popularity from a small 3 man group that spent their days playing the games Apex , call of duty and Overwatch (these are their top 3 played) chunk gained his rise of fame mainly from the past popular now closed game “splitgate” during the period when this group played the game one of the 3 “Techknight” would share funny/iconic pictures of chunk , chunk is around the age of 27 years old but has the fur of a pup he’s been recognized as “HIM” His most recent update of his net worth is around the number of 34 Billlion he has a number of pupetts lining up at his doorstep waiting for him he is a hard pup to get to. Facing more over on the men who boosted chunks fame the three

Ivan —> techknight —> Jacob —> psycho sneaky and the bets of them all randy known more ass random guy techknight fed the picture random guy produced while Jacob left them to dry on the hot side walk techknight and random guy flourished along with chunks fame they then continued to gain over 134 million followers on TikTok and 150k+ on Instagram and 200k on Twitter they were rising stars
Chunk will always be the goat ONG
by Chunk7336 April 8, 2023
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