The act of getting high with nitrous oxide, especially when in conjunction with cannabis use.
Hey man you want to go get zoomed next friday?
by OnePiece March 21, 2006
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PCP; Cannabis laced with PCP; Cocaine / Heroin Amphetamine combo (snorted or injected)
by White boy who smokes bud July 18, 2003
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The act of video chatting for work, school, or family using zoom or a similar service.
Person 1: Did you want to meet about that later today?

Person 2: Yeah lets zoom at 3:00pm.
by skier94 April 3, 2020
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A waste of space to the human race. An interdenominational mistake to us all.
by Zoom 2.0 October 22, 2020
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The place where the class of 2020 was hosted
Person 1: it’s great that schools are closed
Person 2: but I have to take zoom classes
Person 1: damn
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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A app that mostly everyone is doing during this outbreak.
Hey jimmy tomorrow theres a zoom meeting are u gonna join?
by AaronBubb August 31, 2020
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Drinking game, usually played by 4 or more while standing in a circle. ZOOM initiates the game, and is most typically answered by SCHWARTZ (looking at the ZOOMer) or Mafigliano (looking away from the ZOOMer). However, under no circumstances should you ever ZOOM a ZOOM.
Hymie (to Swiller): ZOOM!
Swiller (to Hymie): SCHWARTZ!
Hymie (to Ricardo): ZOOM!
Ricardo (to Flippy): ZOOM!
Flippy (not paying attention): No response
Hymie (to Flippy): DELAY! DRINK!
by Swiller April 6, 2005
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