An old device traditionally constructed of wood, iron, or any heavy metal, used to fasten two opponents together until conflict is resolved through negogiation, compromise, mediation, arbitration, or victory. Commmonly a counterpart to key.
I havn't laughed in a non-sardonic way for 3 years and am probably slightly to massively overweight.
by Joseph Joel Joyce January 29, 2004
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warlock is not only a wizard its more potent than blueberry weed
that warlock last night was more intense than any blueberry i have ever had
by drugs r us March 5, 2004
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The Best Player in World of Warcraft is a Warlock...His Name is Orbiey on Lothar...Good friends of King Agner (who listens to Orbiey) Also Partner in crime with Etudior
Orbiey the Masta Warlock
by TurkeyKnives May 7, 2007
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Individual of dubious ancestry (possibly sired by Nazi occupiers during WW2 for example)who, while inordinately rich, for the purposes of social intercourse, pretends to be poor or plebean
"You know youve reached rock bottom when people openly accuse you of being a Warlock on the street" - From The Collected Memoirs of John Major.
by DumbGrunt July 28, 2004
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Warlock as in a Warlock Deity, perphaps a moronic fellow alas not all warlock are moronic
by Kelt October 3, 2003
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Any drug that makes you think you're a warlock, have warlockly sensations, or experience warlock tendencies. Also known as LSD.
by Aesahaettr July 4, 2011
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Marvel comic superhero with immense power. Originally known as him, Adam Warlock was created by a group of evil scientists. Only then the high evolutionary gave him the name Warlock. His first movie adaptation is in ‘guardians of the galaxy volume 3’ played by will Poulter
I am Adam Warlock
by TheSocialist2137 May 21, 2023
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