the act of being a total whore and not getting on the jang (not giving your man what he wants)
Damn! I hate those trifling bitches!
by cory December 13, 2004
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to be 'trifled'

A variation of rape whereby the attacker conseals his/her visual identity by squirting squirty cream into his/her victims eyes before forced penetration.

Advanced trifling includes the use of custard and/or mixed fruits.
26 year old woman suffered severe case of trifling on her way home from work. Empty can of 'Anchor© Extra Thick Squirty Cream' found at the scene of the crime.
by cusshhp April 2, 2011
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(adj.) a way to describe a sad or disappointing situation.
Dude 1: Man, it was raining all day yesterday, now it's humid as hell...

Dude 2: Yeah, that shit is trifling, yo...
by Neo Zero July 10, 2005
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when your girlfriends mom is a bitch and comes between you and your girl. shes trifling!
amys mom is a trifling hoe.
by dave domanusz May 13, 2006
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"Yeah, so I went down her and before i knew it i was tasting her trifle!!"
"Why am i friends with you"
by PHNE September 21, 2008
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When someone is so extra or annoying.

Can be used in an endearing way or negative way.
To a friend who just did something for you, "Man, youre too much, girl. You're so trifilng. I love you."

Or to someone who pissed you off, "What's your problem? Why you always so trifling?"
by RealChic_95 March 1, 2018
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