A tomboy is a female that mainly likes things that would be associated with males.
Trixie claims she's a tomboy but she really isn't.
by Angelz ✌ January 6, 2017
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A rare type of female that's currently endangered, and posses interests, mannerisms, and hobbies of your average male. girls only turn into tomboys if they are exposed to the outdoors in their childhood, they can be classified in mild, full, or extreme. Mild tomboys are more common, while extremes are virtually non existent.

(word of advice, not all tomboys are lesbian, but all tomboys are reverse traps)
Could be You: Need tomboy gf to wrestle and play video games with.
by asdadasdfafasd March 25, 2021
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A Tomboy is a girl/woman who dresses in loose pants, large shirts, & big/long shorts, rarely or never dresses up in "girly" clothes, prefers to hang out with boys/men, likes using her hands to build things, loves a good challenge, & enjoys proving themselves to themselves. Some Tomboys don't care if they have a boyfriend but when they do...their sensual, sexual, & feminine side comes out. Most Tomboys rather guys like them for their capabilities, personalities, & attitudes...not for their physicalities. Many "girly girls" become jealous/envious towards Tomboys because Tomboys can easily relate to guys, converse with guys, & have fun with guys without flirting, without needing validation, and without being sexy.

I believe that I became a tomboy because of my boyish physicalities. I was born a woman but my face isn't exactly feminine like it should be. I've been teased and bullied my entire life. I was 12 years old when I started dressing differently than my sisters. I enjoyed/enjoy being outside...I don't remember liking girly toys. The best 9.5 months of my life was when I became pregnant because people automatically knew that I was a woman. Throughout my life I've been called a boy, a man, a dragqueen, a gay woman, and accused of being a man in transition. I told some of my story to say this...some girls become Tomboys because of being teased, tormented, & bullied about their their boyish physicalities...
becoming a tomboy made their lives a little easier.
She wears baggy pants and big shirts but likes boys...she must be a Tomboy.
by My Little Corner May 18, 2022
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A girl who doesn't wear makeup, or try to keep up with the latest fashion, she doesn't care what her hair looks like and is not afraid of expressing herself. Typically enjoys things that others might consider "boyish" like climbing trees, skateboarding, or playing in the mud. Tomboys tend to be more into sports, and will typically prefer to wear jeans or other comfy clothing.
I love climbing trees, and I hate wearing dresses. I am such a tomboy
by Anonymouse2.o December 2, 2021
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Jim: "Tomboy gf? Sounds like you want a girlfriend with titties bro."

Jacob: "Yes"
by Mr Stick May 15, 2021
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n ~ a lesbian who acts like a boy. dirivitive of tomboy (16th Century).
by super love May 29, 2003
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A young male secure enough in his masculinity to own and wear a pair of TOMS. A tomboy almost certainly owns a longboard and acoustic guitar, both of which are adorned with TOMS stickers.
Person 1 "Man, see that guy with the sick longboard over there talkin' up the babes?"

Person 2 "Yeah man, looks like he's made quite the splash"

Person 1 "It's those TOMS he's wearing, I think the ladies identify with that"

Person 2 "What a TOMboy!"
by Clive Staples L July 13, 2014
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