Chris is short for Christopher. Chris has curly brown hard and beautiful blue eyes. They are usually known to be very intelligent with big brains but are also known to have the biggest hearts. Chris's love the sciences especially anything about rocks, minerals and volcanos. Ask them any questions about their rock collection and you will see they're eyes light up with such joy! Being around a Chris will make you laugh because they have the best sense of humor. Not only are they great listeners, but they always know how to cheer you up when you're feeling down. Chris make great friends and especially great partners. Anyone would be lucky to know a Chris!
Person1: Wow you're such a Chris !
Person 2: what can I say, I love the minerals !
by User199922 January 20, 2022
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Chris' are Gamer fuckbois. Usually can be found moping around after being banned from their obsessions with bbc.
Tom: where's chris its gamer weekend?
Brad: probably got banned for saying some gay nibba shit.
by Timahh July 8, 2019
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A guy who can always make you laugh, even at the worst of times. He's an extremely sexy person, even though he denies it. He is also smart, and denies that too. Someone named Chris is always up for having a good time and will always leave you breathless. You'll never be bored with a Chris around.
Wow. He is so much fun to hang out with! He must be a Chris!
by Lizzy aka myranda February 24, 2009
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Best name ever reserved only for pimps and direct decedents of god himself
yo dude last night Chris fucked 3 girls at once it was off the hook
by big pimp48646489 January 10, 2009
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the name for the most absolutely perfect man in the entire world,he makes you want to spend the rest of ur life with him every time he speaks to you and he makes the stupidest things hillarious,usually comes with a super sexxy tanned body,a hot aussie accent,beautiful blue eyes,perfect lips, a GIGANTIC COCK and a cute lisp to top it all off,tends to have great jobs like scientist or kangaroo racer and will soon be married more than likely,if you find a chris,NEVER LET HIM GO
i love chris,he is absolutely pefect,im gonna marry him,i swear
by sammyluvsaussieboy July 20, 2012
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The kind of guy who thinks he's nothing special, but really proves to be better than the rest. He believes he's not worthy, but really, he's absolutely lovely.
There's just something about Chris...
by ElizaLucy February 19, 2010
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The most lovely guy I have ever known.. he makes me smile and laugh and is sexier than Johnny Depp... he is amazing and I love him <3
I love Chris <3
by LindseeChantalGates:] August 26, 2008
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