The South American beast-of-burden renowned for its fine wool and hairlip. A defeated Llama yields 2000 gold pieces and 150 experience points.
Ryan used the Llama's spit as lubricant because his peruvian escort had a dry cooter.
by Ryan Guide August 21, 2007
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a code name for the name of Dameon and Paige
omg I love the way that llama looks! they are so cute together
by llama avocado lemmon December 3, 2018
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an ugly animal, that makes stupid noises and stinks like center-pied juice.
"yo, see dem stinky, stupid, noise- making llamas over there smelling like center-pied juice?"
by slothman face November 21, 2016
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An animal that defines awesomely goodness, they prance around and they stay mad fluffy for life.Llama is a word that could be randomnly used for anything Ex: you llama you get back here
Llamas kinda sorta kick anyones ass , plus they have the ability to rule zee world one day.
Whoah hey that llama totally just spit in my face.
Bitch please that llama dont mess.
by ooollll October 7, 2007
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the most kick ass animale in the world! i wish i had one! llamas are awesome!
kaysie really wants a llama, because then she could rule the world!
by kaysie allen June 12, 2007
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I am greater than the Goat am the llama
Cause am the llama...
by @TheRealLlama September 1, 2019
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