Literally a torture device used by the catholic church which is a pyramid that the victim was forced to sit on as it slowly violated their rectal orifice.

Figuratively, it is anything that is 1) representative of "the system" or power structure, and 2) considered an annoyance or abuse to an individual or group.
"Tycho" of the the web comic 'Penny Arcade' used this term to describe Windows Vista in one of his news updates.

Some compulsory elements of a bureaucratic system could be considered analogous to a Judas Cradle if they are deemed unfair, unjust, inconvenient, too severe, or unreasonable, such as certain taxes or legal and economic restrictions, depending on your point of view.
by Bob7493 September 17, 2008
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when you have a relationship with someone who is very young
Jack: Yo, How old is Rebecca?
Joe: She is 14, why?
Jack: aw dude that aint right, your rocking the cradle
by poprocks June 1, 2007
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Symphonic Black metal. Very good shit, wonderful lyrics. Disturbing videos. Don't take themselves too seriously, almost certainly because they're British, and thats how we do things over here. This only improves them in my opinion, but is probably one of the reasons why loads of goths hate them, since mosts goths take everything way too seriously, and also because they're popular and the majority of goths seem to have some strange thing about hating anything popular. I love em, and complaining about the lyrics is stupid because all their albums have cover slips with the lyrics in them, so read that if you can't hear what they're saying, and NEVER try listening to Arch Enemy.
"Two thousand fattened years like maniacs,
have despoiled our common grave,
now what necrophagous second coming backs,
From the Cradle to Enslave."
by KharBevNor December 15, 2003
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Hmmm... they're a great band, they're under a fair bit of scrutiny by those that are more concerned about genre than music. Alternative or not, black metal or not. At the same time some of their listeners have a vandetta towards Marilyn Manson. In the end it all comes down to personal taste though.
To add to what has already started:

MM fan: Cr4dl3 0f f1l+h sux0rs (sic)
CoF fan: 'They're the shizzle!' - Shoots MM fan
Black metaller: 'You're not black metal!' - shoots cradle fan
Random Person: Shoots that person for being a twat.

...And so the cycle continues.
by don't you respond to me June 4, 2004
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someone who enjoys the company of people half there age
see Paedaphile
Dirty Henry is a cradle snatcher, he has his eye on the 12yo girl next door
by Some guy June 28, 2003
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A shitty Goth band that raped the music that was known as Metal. Now they brag about how they're a unique sound without thinking "I wonder why nobody wants to sound like us." They are a shitty band of Mall Gothling faggots and posers.
God dammit! I just found out that Cradle of Shit is coming to my town during their tour! Son of a bitch!
by Ethan666 March 20, 2010
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A rising Black Metal act from the heart of England, they combine soaring melodies with chugging riffs and a solid barricade of double bass drums. Atmospheric and inspirational, Cradle Of Filth have been around since 1992 and are set on the verge of world domination.
Cradle Of Filth are approximately 10,000,000 times better than Marilyn Manson.
by Sinéad September 25, 2003
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