an expression of extreme suprise or anger.
Holy Jew you scared me.

God, your such a Jew sometimes.
by lackinator April 25, 2009
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The so called chosen people. But actually every race claims at one point or another to be God's chosen people, the Jews where just the first to call dibs on the name by writing it down.
Tim: Hi there I'm Jewish
Fritz the German: Oh, sorry, here's twenty bucks
Iranian: Don't be sorry that whole thing never happened
Mel Gibson's dad: He's right you know
by Collinf December 20, 2006
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Verb. The act of trying to rip someone off or steal from some one.
1. That guy tried to jew me on the price for the car.

2. That Madoff really jewed a lot of people out of their money.
by chase mcd January 28, 2010
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Random playful insult that is directed at somebody who is not jewish.
Non jew: Can you pass me the diet coke?

Other Non jew: You are so fucking jewish.
by KCA Watts September 1, 2008
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1-A derogatory remark or title given to someone not willing to share food or other items.

2-The official first name of anyone born of Jewish culture.
Ex 1-John: Who should I try to mooch off of at lunch?

Bob: Try anyone but Justin. He's a Jew with his food.

Ex 2- Katey: Can you loan me a quarter?

Ex-3 Irvin: Who is that over there?
Luke: The kid with curly brown hair? Oh, thats the Jew.
by Mr. Monty's Magic Stick January 26, 2010
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1. A religion that believes Jesus, their Savior, has not come yet to take away their sins and die for them.

2. A mean name you call someone when you are mad and cannot swear: most likely meaning stubborn, ignorant, annoying, evil, stupid, and so on.
1. The Jews are waiting for Jesus to come.

2. That stupid Jew keeps stalking me and annoying me!
by thedocinatortatorskator March 28, 2011
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