When you pick up something interesting on the ground and you hold it for less than 5 seconds, it is ok to put it back on the ground.
jim: dude didn't you pick that off the ground?
tom: ya.
jim: then why are you putting it back on the ground? you should just put it in the trash.
tom: nah dude. inverse 5-second rule.
by dtix July 29, 2010
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You know when you have some fried chicken on your plate and it's the last piece at the cookout and of COURSE you drop it on the floor. Then what do you do? After all, it's disgusting to eat food that fell on the floor. Well, the 5 SECOND RULE says that after 5 seconds, any food that fell on the floor immediately becomes un-germified. So after 5 seconds, eat whatever you dropped on the floor, cuz the rule is what really matters.
John: "Damn I dropped my slice of pizza on the floor."
Mike: "That's too bad."
John: "Oh well," ::picks slice up and waits five seconds:: "5 second rule!" ::BITE!::
by M July 10, 2004
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the rule regarding the amount of time you have to recover dropped food from the floor and still be able to eat it.
my ice cream! quick, 5 second rule!
by megan July 10, 2004
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If you drop a piece of food on the ground, and pick it up within five seconds, it's still considered OK to eat and not contaminated.
I dropped a potato chip on the dining hall floor, but since I obeyed the 5 second rule, it's still good.
by Dewey July 11, 2004
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this is used when, in an area their are restricted seats. if someone was to stand up you are to count to 5 before you may use their seat
tom- oh man there is no were to sit!
dick- im going to make some tea
tom- 1 2 3 4 5 my seat!
harry- ha ha now dick has no were to sit,
i love the 5 second seat rule!
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