how long food can touch the ground before germs get to it
i wasnt going to eat this M&M but i just dropped it, 5 second rule!
by zoey July 11, 2004
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A rule that states a penis can touch anything for up to five seconds before the object is considered molested.
Husband: (poking dick against cosmetic mirror)
Husband: Look honey! It's kissing its reflection.
Wife: Urg! Stop molesting my mirror!
Husband: I'm not. 5-second rule! See. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second...
Wife: (leaves to buy a new mirror)
by Happy Jam July 28, 2011
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an excuse to eat food off the floor.
Eric: *walking along, sees a piece of candy on the ground* NOM

Jason: Dude...

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The window of opportunity for picking up food you dropped on the ground, dusting it off and eating it.
Person 1 - Drops sandwich
Person 2: "It's still good... 5 second rule!"
by Kim July 11, 2004
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When one accidently drops food, not held in a container or wrapper, on the ground. The rule states that if you pick it up within 5 seconds, it won't be contaminated. There is also a '10 second rule' variation. Unfortunately, both rules are urban legends -- The speed with which you can pick the food article back up has no bearing on whether it may receive germs.
Person A: "Crap, dropped a cookie."
Person B: "5 second rule!!"
Person A scrambles to pick up food article
by Ryan Thompson July 10, 2004
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The '5 second rule' applies when food comes into contact with an object that is tainted. If it is removed from the tainted object in 5 seconds or less, then the food is considered safe for human consumption and eaten as if nothing happened. If it stays on the tainted object for more than 5 seconds then it is considered unfit for human consumption and is discarded.
I'll bet that fat kid eats the cookie he dropped on the floor even though the 5 second rule is up.
by Timothy Paul July 10, 2004
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A unspoken rule where if any sort of food falls to the ground, if you pick it back up in 5 seconds or less it is still okay to eat.
Oh no i dropped a skittle, its only been 3 seconds, its still good.
by Nathan Charette July 10, 2004
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