A pedophile who speedruns noncing kids, within 1-2 hours. Very rare people.
Guy 1: Wip up those fryers, because i am sure hungry for one-
Guy 2: Fuck off, speedo pedo!
by LouisGDYTUrban January 1, 2022
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The condition of wearing a speedo that is very small; this results in bodily harm and/or death.
Did you see that guy's tiny speedo? I'm surprised he doesn't have speedo verdose.
by kennybearr January 19, 2009
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It's a fabric chastity belt which doesn't look suspicious when you go to the beach
"Sorry my mistress made me wear the combat speedos this week"
by Fluffy the beowolf May 23, 2020
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When a man start shaving his pubic hair and then continues to expand the shaved area until it looks like a pair of speedos of no hair.
I walked out of the bathroom with what looked like a reverse Speedo. I had become so caught up in the clean-up effort that I had totally forsaken any attempt to blend. Each swath removed led to another that seemingly needed to go. The end result was a totally unnatural ruler-straight line of hair running across my waist about two inches below my belly button and oddly smooth upper thighs.
by A truly random unused name August 13, 2010
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when things get alittle bit too fierce
GUy: i want to fuck you
Girl: whoa speedo, your old enougn to be my grandpa. slow it down
by Seriah December 10, 2006
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Normally his second name is Ferguson and has 2 daughters. He is always wearing speedos even if he’s out.
by Ernie778 December 28, 2019
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When you wear black speedo bicycle pants , smoke a marlboro light, and jack off, very quickly, lying on the hood of your maroon chevy cavalier while listening to Journey in a rural setting, privately.
The thought of her firm breasts and round ass drove the "Little Guy" to Speedo-Jerk.
by Kent Spent July 23, 2008
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