Dave: Look at Jack, he's such a miserable sod.
Mike: I know, just look at him!
by peoxo May 14, 2021
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"Sod-off" is British slang meaning to f@$#* off!
I was so bloody mad I told the bloke to just sod-off!
by Blondie February 16, 2005
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British slang for piss off, fuck off, get lost. Anything in that fashion.
by Yamapi May 13, 2006
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Cheeky sod is a term used to describe someone who has acted in an inappropriate or out of school manner
Patrick: Here mum is you're full of it, that's straight off Google
Mum: nonsense, you cheeky sod!
by #bigdamo January 7, 2016
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Also known as The Law of Sod, this term refers to the global phenomenon of how something will go wrong just exactly when one most wants it to go right.
One example of Sod's Law: After weeks of flat seas, the surf turns perfect the day you drop (and break) your surfboard while moving it out of storage.
by Unanimous June 15, 2006
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1. A variation on the on the ubiquitous expression "bits and pieces" in the U.K. A miscellany of objects, tasks, or issues.

2. A reference to a group of of unnamed individuals who are related in some general way.
1. Now that I've got the odds and sods sorted, I can relax.

2. At the monthly local council meeting, the usual assortment of odds and sods was in attendance.
by NotSamuelJohnson February 12, 2010
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