My school which sucks. They haven’t won a homecoming game in years , classrooms are smoking hot in the summer , valley Central is too broke to change are ID photos so I gotta look at my old ass photo of me from 7th grade , the hallways always stink like ass cheeks and don’t forget the Anime kids and weird ass kissing couples 24\7 and the bathrooms you enter you literally feel like ur getting high without smoking anything 2nd hand smoke go crazy!! Also don’t let me forget the FAKE ASS people you’ll meet in this place. Good tip for you guys don’t be in a friendship with 2 other friends cuz you know damn well 2 of you guys are closer then the other. WELL ANYWAYS THATS MY SCHOOL FOR YA
RandomHey you goto Valley Central School District?”
Me “ yeah…”
by Notpopularbutalwaysthere August 23, 2022
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Otherwise known as BRRSD, this shit school district is broke and does not give half of a fuck about any singular student. They half ass everything and, I cannot stress this enough, lowkey want the students to fucking die. In addition, there’s a “drill” approximately every other day, so get fucking walking. Not to mention the fact that the seventh graders fucked up the middle school in 2023-2024 school year. I personally believe in 7F and 8F justice. Moving on, elementary schools were honestly pretty fire (mostly Hamilton though) and the intermediate schools were heavily mediocre, but that shits heaven compared to the middle and high school, but that’s a whole new topic. This district does nothing for its students and there’s a few dick teachers. The assistant principals and principal are also the most nit-picky motherfuckers out there. Finally, lunch sucks ass, they don’t let you have time to move from class to class, and the students are fucking assholes who need their necks to get a good snap.
BRHS student: How was your day today? Mine absolutely fucking sucked.
Milltown student: It was awesome man, can’t wait for high school.
BRHS student: You have five minutes before I get a knife. Never speak well of the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District.
by peppapigissexy October 12, 2023
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Pretty average school, nothing to flex besides the sports. Some teachers are rad. Little diversity and a fair amount of drugs. Established 1932, so pretty old. Plus an astronaut went here and now some of his equipment is in the school.
Person 1: I go to Dunmore School District
Person 2: Tubular
by Ginkeldook May 2, 2022
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Somerville Texas has awful roads, Their cracked and pieces of the roads are everywhere so you have to watch where you step. The school district is pretty bad too. The area is ghetto and they conjoin the tests into a few days so we’re mentally exhausted and have no chance of doing well on them. It’s not that bad though, If you make the most of it lmao.
by _Hi_im_sienna_ February 12, 2022
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