: a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex : a homosexual (see HOMOSEXUAL entry 1) person and especially a male
by Akenosd April 21, 2019
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A really cool guy makes love with Tafaras mum all night long and will steal your girl any day of the week
Ryder is sexting tafaras mum
by Tafaras mums lover June 28, 2019
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A gay farm boy who like to deny he's a farm boy who lives down at the ranch
-Drugs bruh
-Hey man you better watch or I'll go and a murder you
He's probably in a gang and is pussy towards people without even knowing it (it's pretty funny)
Hey yo Ryder!
Down at the ranch
-saying that triggers him btw-
by An ugly quail January 22, 2018
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Is probably literally a drug addict and likes to lie to people about his virginity and his grandmas death because apparently that's okay
Hey Ryder is giving free hits in the locker room
by Ju222222 January 17, 2018
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A very annoying little kid that cries all the time and always gets in your way
by Faggotnigletbitch May 31, 2018
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Girl: did you jack off ryder yesterday?
Girls friend: I couldn’t find his dick!
by bitchass392 February 8, 2018
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Full name: Ryder of cocks

a guy with pig nostrils who thinks he can fight but will pussy out if asked to. Some people are acting big and tough but deep down they know they are a pussy, but Ryder....he's mind is just a illusion
Ryder "i'll fucking bash you"
Ryder "wait my mom's calling me i have to go"
by Frixion fred March 15, 2019
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